
Join the Movement


Join the Movement


Qoya is a movement system based on the idea that through movement, we remember.

We remember our essence is wise, wild and free. 

Through movement, ritual, community connection, and pilgrimages, we learn to trust the physical sensation of truth in our bodies. 


There are many ways to begin or continue your journey with Qoya:

And…joining the Qoya mailing list.

If you’d like to receive writing from Rochelle and announcements of our upcoming programs and retreats, join our mailing list.


Through movement, we remember.

We remember our essence is wise, wild, and free.

Through movement, we remember.

We remember our essence is wise, wild, and free.



Whether or not you know how, it’s hard to motivate yourself to do it. You don’t want to do exercise that is painful or boring. Your soul craves an experience that’s filled with intention, truth, and play, that leaves you enlivened rather than depleted.

You want to trust yourself more.
To find the answers inside, rather than outside. You want to feel the intuitive tug of your soul, but you sometimes question it when you do hear it, and think it’s irrational or nonlinear advice to trust.

You’re a busy person with a full life.
You get overwhelmed by your obligations and the endless stream of messages from a culture that urges you to do more, faster, better.

You want to embody your essence.
To relax into receiving rather than burning the candle at both ends achieving.

But how?

Your body is your guide.
Your body is the compass you use to navigate the journey to trusting yourself. The feeling in your body is your north star, guiding you from external validation to internal. It is the portal to the little voice inside that asks for what you REALLY want. It may feel impossible to carve out time and space to hear that voice, but the truth is...

It’s really simple, takes little time, and is available to everyone.







Movement is the quickest, most effective way to tap into your body's wisdom.

Your body is the most technically complex organism on earth.

It stores and processes information in ways that your mind can’t and is the most powerful resource you possess. When you move, you access that information.

You experience the physical sensation of truth - what’s true for you - and gain the confidence and clarity to follow it.

You remember how to trust the truth in your body as your sacred guide to embody your soul and live a life aligned with your truth by following your intuition.

You remember that the body is holy, and specifically the temple of your eternal soul.



Qoya is a movement system based on the idea that through movement, we remember.


Qoya is a movement system based on the idea that through movement, we remember.


We remember our essence is wise, wild, and free.

Wise, wild and free also draw reference to the movement forms that we practice:

Wise: the wisdom of yoga
Wild: the creative expression in dance
Free: expanding our capacity to enjoy our bodies through sensual movement

In every Qoya class, you experience 13 core components expressing a unique theme for the day that supports the embodiment of your essence. You also engage in ritual, pilgrimage, and community connections to open your heart, mind, and spirit.

You slow down and feel. You sweat. You play and have fun!

Your perspective shifts from going through the motions to savoring life as sacred. You find the answers you seek in your body, and as well as the support to follow them.

In Qoya, imagine there is no way you can do it wrong and the way you know you're doing it right is when it feels good.

What if your life could follow the same rule?

(Spoiler alert: it can!)



Qoya is for women of all ages, body types, and levels of movement experience.


Qoya is for women of all ages, body types, and levels of movement experience.

“Everyone is telling me I need to get out of my head and into my body, but I don't know how!”

I’m Rochelle, and I created Qoya when a woman voiced this frustration. Qoya is the movement system I created to help women feel good in their bodies. I designed it to be an accessible way for a woman to feel the physical sensation of truth in her body and embody her feminine essence. In the last 10+ years, I’ve taught over 4,000 movement classes and hundreds of private sessions, and have taken women on over 20 retreats to 6 different continents.

What I’ve learned is this: wisdom exists in all of us, and movement is the best way to access it.

Qoya means Queen in Quechuan (an indigenous language used by shamans in South America). Not an emotionally distant bejeweled figure who holds a position of inherited power, but Queen that translates as “a female manifestation of higher consciousness.”

In other words - you!



Other people have tapped into their essence through Qoya. So can you.


Other people have tapped into their essence through Qoya. So can you.


"In the spiritual movement of Qoya, I express myself as wise, wild, and free. What can be more joyous or more radiant? Join me!" 

—Esther Perel, author of Mating in Captivity and Ted Speaker




"Qoya helps heal broken hearts, numb bodies, and crumbled dreams. This works because Rochelle Schieck is actually doing the work - both esoterically and on the ground. If you’re a hungry seeker, you’re going to feed on this wisdom."

—Danielle LaPorte, author of The Desire Map and The Fire Starter Sessions

"Qoya has been a spectacular experience of discovering freedom and joy in my body while being supported by a powerful sisterhood. Qoya is not just fun; it’s healing. This practice has helped me create movement with meaning. It also aligns with some of my highest values—accessing my body’s innate wisdom, variety and fun as I learn, connecting to the sacredness of sisterhood, and honoring true authenticity—what’s real for me in the moment."

—Neha Sangwan, M.D., is the CEO and founder of Intuitive Intelligence, author of TalkRx, and speaker.



“Rochelle reveals to us a valuable map to recover one’s joy, confidence, and authenticity. She shows us the way back to love by feeling gratitude for one’s own experiences. She offers us priceless tools and practices to reconnect with our innate intelligence and sense of knowing what is right for us.

—Marcela Lobos, shamanic healer, senior staff member at the Four Winds Society, and co-founder of Los Cuatro Caminos in Chile

“Rochelle Schieck has made her life into a solitary vow: to remember who she is – not in thought or theory – but in her bones, in the truth that only exists in her body. Because only then can she move from that truth within her. Only then can she live her life devoted to the soul-voice inside her. Qoya offers us the path to true bliss, to the most sacred union. Rochelle models the imperative for all of us to move the way our soul asks us to move, and to trust and love our own soul first and foremost.”

—Meggan Watterson, author of REVEAL: A Sacred Manual For Getting Spiritually Naked and How To Love Yourself (And Sometimes Other People)



"I was quite blown away from working with Rochelle. I came into our session with no idea what it was going to be like and no expectations. What I got from it was a deep remembering of who I am and that my primary purpose is to be fully present in the full juicy, sensual, wonderfulness of my feminine self. Rochelle allowed me to reconnect with the fact that the source of everything is within me, as it is within every woman. All I can say is WOW."

—Kate Northrup Moller, Author and Entreprenuer, Portland, Maine. www.katenorthrup.com

"As an Olympian and a physical therapist, I was curious to take Rochelle's class while on her retreat in Mexico. Qoya Goddess Rochelle was able to not only satiate my need for strengthening/engaging my body she did this while teaching me to move from true feeling. I loved that she began with controlled movement and moved in to free flowing self movement. My love of yoga centers around taking care of myself physically and mentally and the teacher is a crucial part.


Rochelle is confident in every aspect of her teaching, which allowed me to let go and follow her guidance. She gives perfect cues that enabled me to perform the movements while being in touch with my physical and mental being. Qoya is very freeing and allows us to get out of our daily patterns and truly dance! I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to learn from a true Mastress. After going back to my regular yoga class, I realized how much I REALLY dig Qoya and the movement/energetic part and the Awesome Music that fit so perfectly to what we were working on emotionally. And did I mention how much I appreciated the class that gets rid of ego and encourages unconditional love to flow?!"

—Ann Trombley, Olympian, former national champion, physical therapist and author of Serious Mountain Biking


"Rochelle Schieck's Qoya class is more than a movement class, it's an embodiment program.  She has a way of casting a very particular spell that will take me straight into that delicious yogic flow where I am able to forget myself, dance me into the remembering of who I really am and then spit me out in full celebration of the journey."

—Dara Gay Cole, Owner and Founder of Sacred Movement Studio, Brooklyn, NY.  sacredbrooklyn.com

"I just spent 7 days co-facilitating a retreat with Rochelle in Mexico and I am struck by how deeply healing the Qoya experience is. By Inviting women to dive into the body based sensations of feminine freedom, Qoya takes participants off the super highway of egoic assessment and into the restorative oasis of pleasure, connection & creative expression. Exuding joy and grace, Rochelle is pioneering an important and highly enjoyable gift for womankind."

—Dara McKinley, creator of the Goddess Proccess. www.daramckinley.com




“Qoya represents the future – the future of spirituality, femininity, and movement. If I’ve learned anything in my work, it is that there is an awakening of women everywhere. The world is yearning for the balance of the feminine essence.

—Kassidy Brown, co-founder of We Are the XX


“It is impossible to list just one thing [about what Qoya has brought into my life], since every piece of who I am now I owe to Qoya. I have mySELF now—I know who I am and have the tools to in any given moment return to my truth. I love who I am and have endless compassion for both the shadow and light parts of my experience and nature. I speak who I am and stand grounded in my self-awareness and courage to express that truth. I recognize myself as spiritual authority and divine creatress.”

—Meg Gaertner


"Qoya brought me more vitality, and an immediate and organic connection with the Goddess. I can "drop" into my seeing through the veils, hearing/seeing/processing on different levels capability with ease, grace, and joy, without any hesitation and fear. I am less anxious now — sometimes surprisingly and beautifully not anxious at all." 

—Bahar Celen, M. D. Holistic Psychiatrist and Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner

"Qoya has been an instrument for connecting me back to my body after many years of being afraid of my body and its sensations and feelings. The retreats are a space for me to go deeper into my body and to enjoy its movement and learn about myself. They provide an opportunity to build relationships and to learn about human experiences. That also provide a space for all of us to share and explore who we are. In a world where we have to be fill many roles, it is great to have a space just to be. Qoya has changed how I view and interact with my body." 

—Geraldine Lavelle
